- sentence structures and conjunctions (click on 3rd grade)
- how to use the writing process to answer a constructed response (4th grade)
- how to add transition words to their body paragraphs (4th argument prompt writing lesson). Um, 5th, we are so on this one!
- read a poem fluently
- MATH- hardly ventured to that whole section, but I hear it's pretty good.
- ...and on and on and on!
I am not saying the lessons are perfect, but they are pretty well done. And the grade level lesson can be shown above or below it's posted "level", so don't be afraid to check out lessons from adjacent levels.
Use with kids. Build your own schema. Post on Edmodo for reinforcement or enrichment. (great idea, Heather!)
But before you naysay, click away.
(Oh,and the passages are timely for your units...I dare say these curriculum maps are used by many in our nation. Unit 4 here we come!)
Happy clicking,