
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Guided Reading Guidance- JACKPOT

So you have all of your DRA data and you are past the phase of forming groups. Now comes the time to lead the learning. Guide the group. Strategically sequence the lesson for your learners. Facilitate and move your readers forward. are wishing you had a refresher. Help is here! WATCH AND LEARN! VIDEO SUPPORT!

Check out this link

to see masterful teachers guiding student reading groups:

  • at a variety of levels
  • with whole or parts of lesson options for Day 1 & Day 2
    • Word work warm up (Reading Recovery does this first, true Guided Reading suggests doing this at the end of the lesson)
    • Book Introduction
    • Reading of the text with strategic teacher conferring
    • Comprehension
    • Teaching Point
    • Sound boxes
    • Teacher reflection on the lesson (get inside of her head!)
    • Taking a Running Record
    • Writing component
  • with a transcript of the lesson
  • with FAQ bank
  • including student writing samples
This is truly the JACKPOT of help when it comes to supporting a teacher with guided reading. Watch a group, what a part of a group, grow as a learner to support your learners as they reading instructional level text and grow socially in your guided reading groups.