
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

We are about to administer the DRA to some of our kids in January and February. 

Critical Point #1- Fluency
Email Response from PEARSON about Fluency and the DRA2

Hello Sarah,
Since fluency is a key area used to determine a student's independent DRA Reading Level, must stop if they fall in the shaded area for Accuracy AND/OR Rate*. Even if a study has an IEP for extended time, you cannot give the student more time. 
This would be a modification to the assessment, not an accommodation.  There is a difference.  
Fluency is crucial to reading comprehension.  It may not seem to have a huge impact at the lower levels, but eventually it will take its toll on the students.  This is non-negotiable.  
Giving students with an IEP more time to do the written comprehension is much different since timing is not part of the comprehension score.

DRA2 Specialist
Pearson 2014​

* And must be in the independent range of point when you add up all 4 Fluency cells on the final rubric. 

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