
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

One Minute Oral Reading Fluency Assessment in Action

It's a conferring opportunity with a student! 
It is a reading assessment!
It's a way to find a students oral reading fluency rate! (and other fluency and comprehension information)
What is it? It's the One Minute Oral Reading Fluency Assessment. 

If you are looking to see "how it's done" just check out this 4.5 min. video showing the administration* in action. My sweet daughter allowed me to video her reading while I completed the miscue inventory and then assessed the data to determine reading behaviors and calculate an average rate. All of this is right here for you to see. 
Administration and Visual of Miscue Inventory
Analysis of the Miscue Inventory and Calculation of the Rate

What Didn't Make the "Cut"
Off camera, I did explain my markings and her reading behaviors to her. I complimented her on her rereading and self correcting for meaning. She was happy to know that I wasn't keeping secrets from her, and appreciated my sharing the things I learned about her as she read. 

Don't your kids deserve 1-3 minutes of your time for you to get to know them as readers before you pull out the DRA?

You will notice that I let her read the whole passage. I was glad that I let her go past the one minute mark because she had only read  116 WCPM, but picked up the pace and read much faster and with less errors as she "got into her grove". By letting her read for 3 minutes, I had more data to use when I calculated her average rate. 

*One thing I didn't do, but could have, was to  ask her the comprehension questions at the end of the assessment. You will see that I just made up a few that I knew she would encounter in future reading experiences and further probed for her to justify her responses. 

All of this data helps me get to know my reader and more accurately meet her needs. It's one piece I HAVE to use (USE WHAT YOU HAVE) when I go to select her DRA assessment text choices.

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