
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Top “Start of the Year” Learning Targets & Resources to consider as you Build your Literate Community

Essential Understandings
Readers, writers, speakers and listeners grow through conversation and collaboration.
Collaboration Protocols (Fishbowl, 3-2-1, The Final Word, Think-Pair-Share, etc.)
Create a Class rubric
Junior Great Book stories and convo. rubric
Reading fluency is essential to comprehending text
Effective writers write for a variety of purposes, tasks, and audiences.
Ralph Fletcher -Writer’s Notebook
Lucy Calkins units-start of workshop
Invitations (Georgia Heard’s Heart Map, Decorating Notebooks with meaningful images, reading spark, etc.)
Language impacts writing and speaking.
Words their Way Spelling Inventory Assessment
Being a “Courteous Writer” What do readers expect a courteous writer to do?  (Jeff Anderson)
Effective readers and writers use metacognition to comprehend and learn.
Thinking Stems Posters
Digital citizens learn through technology.
What is it? Quick video and links to help you navigate teaching DC.
Classroom lesson (Teaching Channel video)

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