
Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Challenge for YOU and Your WRITERS

Critical Friends: Trios Give Feedback

Critical Friends: Collaborating as Writers

Ask yourself these questions: 

  • Are you looking for a rigorous way to engage and motivate your student writers? 
  • Need to confer with more students, but find that time is not on your side?
  • Want to lift the level of thinking AND grow your writers at the same time?

Student writers have opinions, ideas, and critical feedback for their fellow classmates. Critical Friends: Trios Give Feedback is a fun and VALUABLE way to put the thinking in the minds of your students. This video, shows you the whys and hows of planning for your students to engage as collaborators of writing.
Writers Talking to Writers (writer of text as listener)

I argue that you could even show it to your students as the mini lesson- stopping along the way to ensure they understand what to do and the pitfalls students fall into when participating as critical friends. Or, simply model it for the group as this teacher did. 
Steps for the Protocol
Specific "Look Fors" based on what the 2-3 writing standards you've taught in this unit. (NOT ALL THINGS ABOUT X KIND OF WRITING)

Try it. Then tell us how it went for your students. What impact did this protocol have on them as writers?  

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